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A story as old as time, racism really knows no bounds. Sure, the world has progressed and transformed into a whole new entity that runs on self expression and acceptance – but underlying all of the glossy and trendy things in life is the same old tragedy.

The world loves black culture, but not its people. We ended a decade where this has been so heavily evident. The inability of humans to recognize the truth for itself has been absolutely ridiculous, despite blatant examples. And the media is no better.

Fried chicken and the black man has long been associated together – why? Does it depict poverty? Is it a hit on table manners? A lack of resources and a lack of societal respect? Ironically, the average American gorges on fried chicken from fast food chains like their life depends on it and doesn’t complain about race.

And let’s not forget dreadlocks and cornrows. What was the black person’s way of managing hair and expressing individuality that is now a fashion statement for celebrities and influencers who can afford style teams worth thousands of dollars a month? Luckily, they’ve been called out for their insensitivities.

And let’s not even begin commenting on the advent of lip fillers and augmentation where non-black and non-people of color try to achieve the perfect cupid’s brow and plump lips, which aren’t naturally or genetically coded for their race.

What about bronze and sun kissed skin? Aren’t people of color the actual, rightful wearers of skin that is golden, brown and glows like embers in the sun? You want your skin to look a few shades darker than it actually is – but will you accept an individual that actually has skin this dark?

The world questions how language and society has certain genderised elements – words, pronouns, jobs, positions and so on. But on a parallel level runs racism and discrimination against ethnicities. These divisions between humans have also “colored” our language, politics and social interactions.

People will leech off black culture. You’ll take their food, their hair, their music and their clothes. You’ll emulate their humor and way of talking, you’re going to marvel at the relationships they have with one another and you’re going to be in awe of how gorgeous some of them will be – but will you still revel in the fact that your skin is light, your political and general classification is Caucasian and that you’re not black.

There’s so much to think of and so much to fix. We just ended a decade that’s accommodated language and indexation of sexually different individuals and those with mental illnesses and bionic limbs.

When will we own up to our ignorance?