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Why You’re Team Kellz

What if I told you the reason why you support and stand with R. Kelly had everything to do with the parents that raised you?

The mother that always blamed or whooped you when something went wrong in the house. The mother that never believed a word you said. You knew you were telling the truth about an incident, but she didn’t believe you because “your badass is always in some mess.” The mother you were always taught to honor and obey because she knew best, but for some reason always believed that you were up to no good.

What about your father? The father that told you “boys will be boys” instead of questioning the boys that hung around you. The father that didn’t hang with other father’s; He hung out with your uncles. Let you hang out with your single, never had a girlfriend or wife uncle, but assumed you were always in good hands cause he’s family. The father that you heard left your mother for a younger girl who’s pregnant or spoke too lustfully about the “Lil girls in your class.”

The children of these parents were more than likely the kids that took hide and get it too far, and now it’s a fight. They were the kids that pulled hair, threw rocks and tormented young girls on the playground. The parents of these children did nothing because “that’s what boys do when they like you. They don’t know how to express themselves properly yet.”

These children become the young people and adults of today. The ones who ride or die by 17 is legal and18 is grown no matter what age a man is. The ones that are always in questionable relationships with kids and young people, but stand on their podium of financial stability with pride and dare to be questioned. Cause, you can do whatever you want when you keep a roof over heads and food on the table, right?

You’re Team Kellz because “I was a lie fast ass girl” or “I was always doing something I had no business doing “ and “my parents beat the shit out of me when I was little, and I turned out fine.” But were you? But have you? You don’t see the dangers of a man with money employing people around him to assist in his quest to prey on young girls 13-17? You don’t see the blatant pimping, peddling and trafficking done by parents of their children for 6 figure payoffs? Their children who are at the age where the last thing you do is start questioning the amount of right or wrong adults are doing to or around you. The pivotal and impressionable teenage years that indeed develop who you are at your core.

Some of you sound so All Lives Matter, Blue Lives Matter and “What about Black on Black Crime?” and it’s scary. A wildly successful black man has preyed on young black girls with the help of black families and other black men who strive to be like the predator they helped create, and you don’t see one thing wrong with that? That’s scary. That’s scary for women. That’s scary for Black America. That’s scary for the future. Some of you were raised poorly if at all, and it’s glaring right now. Some of you don’t believe that a grown man could physically and mentally trap teenage girls with money and his celebrity. You don’t think that the sex they are having along with the abuse they are receiving is killing them as well as comforting them and that’s why they can’t get up and walk out. You don’t believe them, cause no parents ever thought you and you’re still dealing with that by not dealing with that.